Category / WordPress

We have released the v1.1.5 version of WP Bones with several fixes, improvements and new features. In particular, we have re-designed the demo branch along with the master/boilerplate to start to develop a WordPress plugin. Don’t forget to have a look at the Wiki. We have also created a Discussion to contribute in a better […]

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Today I’m excited to introduce you WP Bones, a plugin framework for WordPress written with Composer. WP Bones providing a set of tools and rules to facilitate the WordPress plugin. Also, the aim of Bones is to be able to write a Plugin such as Laravel Framework application.

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When you are using a Custom Post Type with its Custom Post Taxonomies, you could need to detect if a particular category is displayed in a post. So, I write a simple WordPress shortocode you can use to detect a particular category and then display the content of the post. To achieve that, you can add […]

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Actions and filters are so awesome in WordPress. They provide a very simple and powerful way to customization the WordPress core. So, Plugins and themes can execute code before or after a specified event or change the result of many core functions. On the web, I found a few discussion about the Javascript porting of […]

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Here you’ll find the list of actions run during a typical request by the frontend.

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Here you’ll find the actions run during a typical request in the backend admin area.

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Edit your wp-config.php file, located in WordPress root folder, and add or replace define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); In this way, WordPress will print the logs on the screen. This may be very annoying, so you would like to redirect all logs in a file. As usual, please don’t hesitate to leave any questions or comments in the […]

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The last version of WordPress provides a new toolbar in frontend view when you are logged in. To disable this feature you can add the following code in the functions.php file in your active theme:

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You remember the post How to get a page/post content, don’t you? Then, we may get the page/post content by:

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We have to use a little trick! In other words, we will remove the meta box and then we will add a new one again:

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