Category / Objective-C

With Xcode 4 you can develop applications for iPad and iPhone. Also, you can choose a different iOS target. Currently, the last release of iOS is 4.3 and when you will create a new project you will see: Now, the rootViewController property has been added with iOS 4. This means that when we going to test […]

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Apple suggests using an instance of NSFileManager class and avoid the static class method defaultManagerbecause it will return a singleton instance: no thread-safe: In Mac OS X v.10.5 and later you should consider using [[NSFileManager alloc] init] rather than the singleton method defaultManager. Using [[NSFileManager alloc] init] instead, the resulting NSFileManager instance is thread safe. […]

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If you  would like to avoid to set the background image of the main view controller through Interface Builder, you can use a different way and delete the UIImageview object from Interface Builder: You may use viewDidLoad as well but viewWillAppear avoid some flickering. With Xcode 3.2.5 is not possible to use the pattern yet.

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Let’s see some useful method about NSURL Return the name of a file (with or without extension) from NSURLRequest: Return the file extension from NSURLRequest: Finally, How to convert an address from NSString to NSURL and vice versa:

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Currently, Objective-C does not support a class that provides a simple way to generate a random number. Anyway, we can use some C functions like: rand(), srand(), random(), srandom() e arc4random().

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NSTimer is used is several contexts. However, you have to careful when you are going to invalidate the variable. For example: Usually, you will use: As you can see in the code above, the timer is switched off but the variable is unset, so it is dangerous. The best way could be: or, in a […]

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