Here you’ll find some useful jQuery snippets for document loaded.

jQuery Document Ready

// Common method
jQuery( document ).ready( function() {} );

// Or, if no conflict
$( document ).ready( function() {} )

// Variant method
jQuery( document ).ready( your_function );

// Alternative method
jQuery( function() {  
    console.log( 'Document Ready!' );  

// Alternative method and jQuery $ context
jQuery( function( $ ) {  
    console.log( 'Document Ready!' );  

Javascript Class

 * Description
 * @class           $CLASS_NAME$
 * @author          =undo= <>
 * @copyright       Copyright (C) 2012-$YEAR$ wpXtreme Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * @date            $DATE_NOW$
 * @version         1.0.0
jQuery( function ( $ )
  "use strict";
  window.$CLASS_NAME$ = (function ()

    // This object
    var $t = {
      version : '1.0.0',
      init    : _init

     * Return an instance of $CLASS_NAME$ object
     * @return {}
    function _init ()
      // Your init here

      return $t;

    return _init();



Replace $CLASS_NAME$

Use strict directive

  "use strict";

  // Define your library strictly...

You can find out more stric directive in the John Resig – ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode, JSON, and More page.


The following snippets issue the same effect

+function() { 
  console.log( 'Hello World'); 

// or

(function() { 
  console.log( 'Hello World'); 

// or

(function() { 
  console.log( 'Hello World'); 

// or

+function( $ ) { 
  console.log( 'Hello World'); 
}( window.jQuery );

// or

(function( d, $ ) { 
  console.log( 'Hello World'); 
}( document, jQuery ));

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